Monday, December 13, 2010


OK, this blog is called Emmett & Friends. Red is not really my friend. He's actually Kris' friend. I only know him by smell. He belongs to Kris' boss, Bill. I smell Red whenever Bill comes over to visit and I smell him again when Kris goes to visit Bill. And I especially smelled him on Kris when she took him to the vet last week.

Poor, Red. In all fairness, I feel sorry for the guy. He was hit by a car last summer on Delaware Route 1 (very dangerous road) and was tossed into the air. The impact was witnessed by employees of the Candy Kitchen who immediately got him to the vet. (Bill was out of town at the time and Red had escaped his yard.)

Amazingly, Red survived, but his leg suffered nerve damage and never recovered. Kris took him to the vets for an evaluation and today he had surgery. The vet says he'll be much happier without having to hold that leg up all the time. I can only hope so.

Red, here's to you and a speedy recovery!

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