Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Glorious Morning On The Beach

I LOVE the beach!!!

A pre-dawn thunderstorm (with really loud thunder that made me jump into Kris & Bob's bed to  make sure they weren't scared) frightened away would be sunrise beach strollers and we had the place to ourselves! Suh-weet!

I've gotten so much better at chasing the ball. Catching it is a different story, but I'm really focused on chasing it. 
Today, Cacee actually let me bring it back a time or two.

We also had a new friend with us today. Cacee has a new sister; the lovely Bella, who is also an Australian Shepherd. (She doesn't have her summer haircut, though.) She just came yesterday to live with Cacee and Cacee's other sister, Maddie. I'll have to tell you more about Bella another time.


gsheaffer said...

wish i was there. Gale

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Gee, Emmitt, that looks SO cool. lots of nice sand. I forget where you live, but that's OK, I'm not really sure where we live, either..... My beach is filled with tiny seashells, sometimes they cut my feet.

Do you get to do other stuff, too? Prob'ly don't need to cause that beach looks EXHAUsting. Take care, Dude...
xoxoxo Paco

Anonymous said...

Hey, Paco, thanks for your comments. I live at the Delaware seashore. I guess I should mention that in my welcome notes. We have those tiny seashells, here, too. I really feel for you dude!

I do other stuff too and hopefully I'll be writing about that soon. Take care and have fun!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Wow, when they say it's a dog's life, I think they're referring to you and your friends.
Maybe you can show them the cow pies sometime! They'll KNOW you're a worldly guy THEN!