Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Girls Next Door

From left to right: Bella, Cacee & ME!, Emmett
It's about time I told you all about my next door neighbors. You've seen some glimpses of them on the beach with me, but here are some up close and personal photos taken while we were playing in my backyard this evening. There's a gate in the fence between our houses and sometimes it's left open so we can run back and forth in both yards. We have lots of fun. Cacee Cooper and Bella are Australian shepherds. Right now they are sporting their summer haircuts. And old lady, Maddie, likes to hang out and sometimes boss us around. We all have a great time together.
Cacee Cooper pretty much always has a tennis ball in her mouth. She's great at catching it on the fly!
Bella doesn't really care about the ball. She just likes to chase Cacee chasing the ball. Bella is more of a cuddler.
Old Lady Maddie. She likes to think she rules the roost, but really no one pays attention to her. :(
Maddie is giving Cacee "what for", but I really don't know what for!
Who's ready to catch the ball?
Uh, oh. The girls are about to get into it and I know it's better to keep my distance.
Cat fight! (So to speak.) Better to get away.
Aww! They've resolved their issues. (They always do!)
Cacee crawls up into Kris's lap to make sure the ball is returned safely.
And it just wouldn't be my blog if I didn't include a couple shots of my handsome mug.
Bye! Thanks for visiting!


Angela Sullivan said...

Love these cuties. All of them

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Angela! Woof!