Suhweet!!! I got to go to the beach this morning, OFF LEASH!!! I was at the beach once before. I had just gotten thoroughly wet and the next thing I knew I was being yanked by my leash over the dunes and back to the car. Kris was kind of stomping and muttering things about "jeans wet up to her knees," "soaked feet," "middle of January" and stuff like that. I guess sometimes I forget that she's on the other end of the leash when I get excited about something. But today was so cool and so different. She let me off the leash as soon as we came to the top of the dunes and I was off!
My beautiful next door neighbor, Cacee Cooper, and her girl, Betsy, were there with us. Cacee is an Australian Shepherd and just got a new summer haircut. Of course, I don't let her know I think she's beautiful. I mean, come on! She can out run, out jump and out maneuver me and she's pretty darn smug about it, too. I'm not about to let her think she's pretty on top of all that. Whenever we're in our backyards at the same time I pretend to ignore her by chasing the rabbits who live under our deck. But I see her out of the corner of my eye. She stands at the fence and stares at me. She thinks I'm such a hunk.

Anyway, I have to admit that Cacee is a pro at Frisbee catching. Here's a video of her and Betsy playing Frisbee. I tried to keep up, but there's not a chance.
Finally, I did catch the Frisbee once. And then once we picked it up at the same time and we

both vowed to never let it go. Finally we walked it up to our girls and handed it to them at the same time. Whatever!
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